Marcel Svěrák - One of the best guitarist in Vysoké Mýto (by Šimon and Jiří)
About Marcel
Marcel Svěrák was born in 1970. When he was 7 he began with play the guitar. During years he innovated his technique of play. One day he found his first band called Sakumprásk. He did very good music with that group but group saw out in year of 1994. Now Marcel is in some band which plays on parties and he teaches me(Simon) to play the guitar…And because we don‘t know many about him, we did with him a interview.
INTERVIEW with Marcel
- So Marcel, when were you born?
- In 1970.
- Well, it was during communism. How did communism affect you?
- Not very well. I didn’t like the communists. They censured all…Music films. Everything, that they didn’t like, was banned and for the Czech people it was very hard to find a small island of liberty in the big sea of stupidity.
- You were in music group called Sakumprásk. What were your music inspirations?
- They were groups like Sting, Stromboli or Yes.
- And you latched only onto style of music?
- Yes, but sometimes, after concert, somebody came to us and said “That song reminded me of one song by Sting” and so. But we didn’t want to copy music which we liked.
- You are a guitarist and my mum says that Sakumprásk held together thanks to you. Still Sakumprásk wasn’t very famous. Didn’t you mind it sometimes, you didn’t leave Vysoké Mýto and you didn’t go to some big city like Prague? I think you could become famous there.
- I’m an introvert, I don’t pour into anything - I like to be at home more than to be famous. But sometimes I was in Prague and I learned to play the guitar.
- But if you succeeded in Prague, you could have an expensive and good guitar…
- I do music for fun, not to be famous. But absolutely I’d like to have better guitar.
- Didn’t you want to be, as a guitarist anyhow original? For example Brian May from Queen used sixpence instead of pick.
- In the time of communist regime in the Czech Republic, there was not a big choice of picks. There were, I think only two types, so I made picks from plastic underlay from an exercise book.
- And what do you say to music today. Hip hop…I don’t like it. When I look thirty years ago, music was more original, better and more rock.
- So, today’s music scene is inspired by disco music, Hip hop and so and I don’t like it either. But that is only one side of today’s music scene. The other side are interprets as Metallica, Ac.Dc, Steve Vai, Jou Satriani and many others. And those are good interprets. You can listen to them and me too.
- So thanks for the interview and good luck.
(Presenter-Simon Martinek)
Here you can see the photo and hear some music
- In this song he plays solo guitar.
Katedrála.mp3 (3,1 MB) - The man on photo is Marcel.