Daniel LANDA

Daniel LANDA (by Tomáš S.)

Daniel Landa was born on 4/11/1968 in Prague. In year 1990 he married Mirjam Müller. Together they have got 2 daughters and twins. In year 1988 he graduated at Prague conservatory for actors - musical-dramatic field, Daniel Landa is a popular singer; he composes music and writes texts. In year 1987 with his fried David Matásek he established band Orlík.
In year 1992 he started his solo career and recorded the CD Valčík (1992) and then other CDs were recorded: (1994) - Chcíply dobrý víly, (1997) - Pozdrav z fronty, (1998) - Smrtihlav, (1999) - Konec, (2000) - Best of LANDA, (2002) - 9mm argumentů. Together he has got 12 gold and 5 silver tablets. In year 2000 he was the most frequently published Czech author for last 10 years.


Here you can see and listen to some of his songs:


